16.2.2021 | Jouni Kivirinne

Energy system for the carbon-neutral Savonkatu area is created and operated in co-operation

As a key partner to the Savonkatu area development we will introduce energy solutions and services in the area to reach carbon neutrality and facilitate sustainable energy consumption and easy everyday life.

The first polling round carried out concerning the development of the Savonkatu area revealed a strong interest towards circular economy, energy efficiency and digital innovations. These topics are the very ones around which the local energy utilities will be built.

The design of energy systems of the Savonkatu area is based on recycling of energy and interaction between the buildings. Waste heat generated by the community is utilised first and, when exhausted, local and regional low-emission energy sources will be engaged.

The use of recycled energy and waste heat mean that the local operators will become both consumers and suppliers of energy, sometimes even simultaneously. We at Helen make sure that the energy is circulated and supplied to where it is currently needed, both in the summer and in the winter. We wish all future companies and persons to occupy the area welcome to the interactive energy community.

We will choose the optimal new-era energy technologies for the area

The technologies of a new energy era to make the carbon neutral Savonkatu a reality are being developed and mainly already existing. We optimise the entirety consisting of different solutions in the planning where innovation meets new technologies and financial feasibility. Industrial-scale heat pumps as well as geothermal and solar energy in their different forms are examples of the available options.

The energy networks of Savonkatu area serve as a basis for utilising heat losses generated by the community and local and regional energy sources. Flexible networks also enable introducing the latest technologies. Energy networks guarantee reliable supply and maintenance.

Energy as a service – how would you want energy to be seen and felt in your daily activities?

We want to make energy matters in the area as easy and convenient as possible. It is, therefore, of great importance to us to hear the residents’ thoughs and wishes concerning the energy services that would make life easier for them. We also want to hear which choices you would be willing to make in your everyday life regarding the use of energy, and how energy should be seen in your everyday activities.

I encourage every individual and community with an interest in the area development to participate and influence the making of the Savonkatu area.

It is our objective to create energy services which go unnoticed by those not specifically interested in noticing them. We want to support, by our own activity, the achievement of the urban ecological targets so that the matters to be brought up in the next blog entry will be possible to reach. Here you go, your turn, Anni Järvitalo from Nomajii!

Jouni Kivirinne
Business Developer
